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​Investment Strategy, Risk Analysis, and Insights by Chartered Professionals

6 min read
Impact of Rising Interest Rates on Stocks/S&P 500: What Past Data & Economic Theories Tell Us
This work examines the impact of rising interest rates on performance of equities; returns, risk, and risk-adjusted returns are examined...

4 min read
Impact of Business Cycle Stages on S&P 500/Stocks/ETFS’ Performance (Risk, Returns, & Sharpe Ratio)
This work presents an analysis regarding returns of stocks per business cycle periods/phases; volatility, risks, and risk-adjusted returns..

5 min read
Do All Financial Assets Fall In a Market Crash? Why All Assets Correlatively Fall In a Market Crash?
This work examines why correlation of assets moves towards 1 during a market crash.

7 min read
Which Stock Index/Index Funds/ETF Provides the Best Risk-Adjusted Returns & Diversification?
This work analyzes which stock market index and ETFs based on them provide the best risk-adjusted returns & diversification

5 min read
How Much Will AMD’s Stock Price Fall In a Market Crash/Decline | How To Reduce/Limit Downside Risk
How much can the stock price of ADVANCED MICRO DEVICES, INC. (XNAS:AMD) crash or fall in a market crash/decline? What about risk of losses?

6 min read
MSCI EAFE vs. S&P 500, Nasdaq: How Much Can You Gain or Lose by Investing in MSCI EAFE, EAF/VEA ETF?
This report examines whether MSCI EAFE index and ETFs based on this index are a good investment, and how they compare to S&P 500 & Nasdaq

5 min read
DAX vs. S&P 500, Nasdaq: How much can you lose or gain by investing in DAX compared to U.S. Indices
This work analyzes the risk and returns of DAX & presents a comparison of this index in relation to S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite Index . . .

5 min read
How much can you gain or lose by investing in CAC 40? Is it better or worse than S&P 500 or Nasdaq?
How does CAC 40 & ETFs based on it compare to S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite Index?
Which one is the better investment is analyzed

7 min read
Which Stock Indices/Index Based ETFs Are the Riskiest Investments?
This report analyzes which stock market index from the top most prominent indices from around the world is the riskiest investment.

4 min read
Realistic Price Range for Nvidia (Nasdaq: NVDA) Stock Price From 2022 to 2032
This report utilizes data to ascertain the future best-case, base-case, and worst-case in terms of the price range for Nvidia's stock . .

7 min read
FTSE 100 vs. Swiss Market Index | Investing in Switzerland's Index Better Than UK's FTSE 100 Index?
This report analyzes whether the Swiss market Index is a better investment compared to the FTSE 100 Composite Index

6 min read
Do IPO stocks usually rise on the first day of trading? Should you hold IPO stocks?
This report examines whether buying IPO stocks is a good strategy for a short-term allocation/trade, etc., . . .

6 min read
Swiss Market Index vs. S&P/TSX Composite Index | Is the Swiss Market Index Better Than S&P/TSX?
This report analyzes whether the Swiss market Index is a better investment, compared to the S&P TSX Composite Index . . .

7 min read
IPO ETFs vs. S&P 500 | Are IPO Stocks/ETFs a Good Investment, Better Than S&P500 at Large?
This report evaluates whether investing in IPOs (initial public offerings) is better than investing in the market at large.

12 min read
Indicators of Business Staying Power | How Can Future Business Success or Failure Be Forecasted?
This report presents the model based on the most important indicators of business staying power and survivability to assess businesses . .

6 min read
The Quickest, Most Practical Solutions for Reducing the CEO to Worker Pay Ratio & CEO Salary Growth
This work presents practical solutions/analysis regarding what can be done to rein in CEO salary growth/lower the CEO to worker compensation

5 min read
Did the Trump Tax Cuts Impact the US GDP? What Are the Financial Benefit of Tax Cuts for Firms?
This report examines whether the Trump tax cuts (tax cuts and jobs act of 2017) impacted the US GDP. Also, the benefits of lower taxes . .

7 min read
Investing in Luxury Brands vs. Mass Brands vs. Nasdaq Composite Index. Top ETFs Examined
This report examines whether investing in luxury brands is more profitable than investing in mass brands producers or the Nasdaq . . .

5 min read
How Much Does the US Stock Market Fall/Decline on Average in a Market Crash?
This report examines over 100 years of market crashes and declines to determine the average market decline/crash. This examination can . .

8 min read
PBJ Analysis: Are Food ETFs Recession-Proof? Are Food ETFs a Good Investment? 355wk of Data Probed
The most prominent Food & beverage ETF, Invesco Dynamic Food & Beverage ETF (PBJ) (NYSE), has been evaluated in this report, with S&P 500

7 min read
Should You Buy Crypto or Stocks When Elon Musk Tweets About Them? Can You Profit From Musk's Tweets?
Lately, we have seen a peculiar phenomenon: Musk tweets, and the value of certain, let’s say, ‘market opportunities,’ jumps. . . .

4 min read
Similarities Between the Present Period and the Dotcom Bubble/ 2000 Market Crash and Recession
This report discusses the most prominent parallels between the 2000 recession or the dotcom bubble/dotcom crash, and the present period.

5 min read
A Summary of the 2000 Recession/Bubble and Crash. Summary and Outcomes of the Dotcom Bubble
This report is a summary of the 2000 recession and the dotcom crash. The report includes the most important aspects of the event

8 min read
Ireland Stock Market vs Nasdaq, S&P 500: Should I Buy Ireland Stock Market Index, Nasdaq, or S&P500
The question this report examines is whether Hang Seng is better than Nasdaq or S&P 500, in terms of risk and returns.
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